Gateways is proud to be a beneficiary
of Combined Jewish Philanthropies
and grateful to the Ruderman Family Foundation and the Slingshot Fund
for their generous support.
The Purim Story "This is Esther and her Uncle Mordechai. Esther and Mordechai are Jewish. They lived in a land called Persia many many years ago. The king of Persia was named King Achashverosh. King Achashverosh was lonely because he did not have a wife. One day he saw beautiful Esther and fell in love with her..." Click here to download this Purim story.
The Purim Story (Simple Language) "Long ago, Esther and Mordechai lived in Persia. Esther and Mordechai were Jewish. King Achashverosh was king of Persia. King Achashverosh married Esther. Haman was King Achashverosh's friend. Haman wore a triangle hat with three corners..." Click here to download this Purim story.
The Purim Story (Boardmaker Symbols) "Long ago, Esther and Mordechai lived in Persia. Esther and Mordechai were Jewish. King Achashverosh was king of Persia. King Achashverosh married Esther. Haman and King Achashverosh were friends..." Click here to download this Purim story.
Gateways Purim Carnival Social Story This social story was distributed to Gateways students the week before our Purim carnival to prepare them for changes in the routine and to give them information about what to expect for the day. It features photographs from our program and from last year's carnival. "Next Sunday will be a special day at Gateways. Just for today, we will not have circle, Hebrew, or T'fillot. Next Sunday will be the Gateways Purim carnival!..." Click here to download the Purim carnival social story.
Waiting in Line This social story prepares children for waiting in line at a Purim carnival. It was distributed to families in advance of the Gateways Purim carnival, and a copy was also available at each activity at the carnival. |
Color Match Hamantaschen Match the hamantaschen based on the colors of their fillings. This activity will familiarize students with hamantaschen and the idea that hamantaschen are special Purim cookies filled with various treats. |
Match Purim Mitzvot This file folder activity involves matching words and pictures that convey the four mitzvot associated with Purim. |
Purim Costumes Puzzle Complete the Purim costume by matching the top half to the bottom half. This activity familiarizes students with the idea that people dress in costume for Purim. Download kit to make your own!